client news

i love when 2 of our super star friends team up: The FFS & Favery

The FFS sisters are carrying their jewelry on Favery this month!  If you read any of our other posts you already know how much we love the FFS line, so if you don't have time to stop by Fred Segal, you can grab some pieces on Favery as well.   My dear friend Anne created  this site last year and it's the go to spot for jewelry and  they just added more accessories as well.....

Lauren Podoll featured on the mom's project for mother's day

We've been photographing the Podoll's and their designs for years, even way back before they started their business & we've always thought of them as quite the talented clothing designer couple, not to mention lovely people- today you can read more about Lauren and her thoughts of being a mom and an eco designer, just in time for mother's day on The Mom's Project

*interview and photos of Lauren by another talented friend, Lauri Levenfeld / photography on the wall by JACK ALICE

the mom's project photography by Lauri Levenfeld & photos on the wall by JACK ALICE 

the mom's project photography by Lauri Levenfeld & photos on the wall by JACK ALICE